Mar 11, 2014 5:05:07 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 5:05:07 GMT
Ok couple things. Number 1 you have been saying this all night that I convinced you I was becoming a contender. Well then my friend you are easily convinced . I looked through our chat and not once did I say I was going for a title. You think that if I did this wonderful job in convincing you that I would of mentioned it once or twice , just a thought. I have no problem , no problem what so ever giving people access to the chat. I will give them my login and password so they can see for themselves. You are are not telling the truth , just to give what you did some merit.
Second of all this whole idea of tricked, and pulled a fast one on year. Let's be clear here, stop acting like your the victim and I did this terrible thing to you. I had a bigger picture. So if you want to call that being tricked, call it what ever you wish. I asked for the pick to be included, that's all...you said yes I said great. Then you said I accept the trwde, but that is a whole matter in its self. I hope you don't think I should of said, hey raiders do you mind including my pick because I am going to be tanking and that pick will be a great pick. Get real. Connect the dots. I traded you the number 1 back and what did I get back to help me "contend" like you put it. The 15th overall pick. You have got to be kidding me. Listen get over it, stop making things worse. You accepted a deal, then backed out of it because of another. Not only did you affect my team but you affected the bears. Thumbs up for that. I wanted to build with draft picks but, YOU decided that shouldn't and can't happen. Thumbs up
Mar 11, 2014 5:07:30 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 5:07:30 GMT
Oakland I'm not denying for one second that I knew that my own pick was going to be good. That was my plan. I did not trick you. Because I never said I was competing. I just asked for my pick. That's all. You are telling lies , and it's getting pretty ridiculous.
Ps...enjoy by wonderful pick.
Mar 11, 2014 5:08:58 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 5:08:58 GMT
We don't have a rivalry...those are made in matchups not in the offseason when an owner makes a cheap move. That's not how see rivalries.
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Mar 11, 2014 5:13:28 GMT
Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2014 5:13:28 GMT
I dont see how anyone would even consider dealing with the Raiders after pulling off one of the SHADIEST moves I have seen in this league, and that includes some of the moves Danny boy has done. If you agree to a deal after much deliberation, then be a damn man and stick to it. Chiefs is definitely right about moving a star player within the division HAS to cost more because you will have to see that player twice a year and think "What if?"
If you tell a team to POST a deal, then that should be a shut book. Case closed. You dont "change" your mind because another team possibly got a "better" deal. That is one of the most undermining things I have heard period. If this was a pay league, I would vote to boot you or at least hold you to your word. Since its free, who cares, right? Even more the reason, not to care if another team got a better deal.
I try to stay out of most of these convos as most of the time they are just amusing to read and not worth really commenting on, but way to go and screw over TWO teams at once. Kuddos!
Mar 11, 2014 5:14:29 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 5:14:29 GMT
Wow... I hadn't read that the bears trade was withdrawn yet... That only further confirms that I was getting screwed at both of their benefits. Chiefs were only giving bears a good deal because he knew it would increase the value of the picks I was trading him, therefore making my trade a pile of shit and the bears a bargain... I smell quite the division rivalry brewing. And just for the record Oakland how ridiculous your idea is, about giving bears a discount. Number 1, bears were not the only one team involved in talks. Chargers were involved and there package was very similar to the deal I agreed to with bears. I agreed with bears because it shipped mcoy out of the divisor Second of all there was no rush for me to make a deal. If I made the team last night, today or three weeks from now, my value of the pick would of been the same. Trust me here , I would of had no problem trading mcoy. So I'm confused why I needed to give bears a discount deal (again your opinion which I don't use to make decisions about my OWN team), just so the value of my pick would be hire? Can you please explain
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Mar 11, 2014 5:25:27 GMT
Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2014 5:25:27 GMT
The logic of paying a premium inside the division doesn't make much sense to me. If the trade is fair then it shouldn't matter. I'd have to face KCs 6 draft picks I traded him twice a year as well. I would have had to regret this trade twice per year. Trading within the division makes the implications higher for both teams... Not just the one trading a star.
Mar 11, 2014 5:27:20 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 5:27:20 GMT
If you don't think it should cost more to ship a player within a division, compared to out of the division , you are terrible out of touch with reality
Mar 11, 2014 5:28:14 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 5:28:14 GMT
Raiders are you going to respond to anything I said. Stop worrying about a deal I agreed to with another team, because once again that is my decision only, and focus on our deal
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Mar 11, 2014 5:43:42 GMT
Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2014 5:43:42 GMT
If you think you're getting the better end of the trade then why does it matter if its in division or not? If you're getting the better end of the trade then you are hurting the team within you're division. And I can't do all the copying and pasting on my phone, but page 4 of the Godfrey thread, you talk about your pick. Also later you give me the option of giving your 1st or Cincy's... Obviously you wouldn't do that if you weren't planning to contend, you had even said earlier that you thought cincys pick would be in the 20s. And how bout later when you posted a deal that outlined every pick you wanted except you put 2 2015 2nds and you even said this is the deal. I'll post the exact transcript tomorrow, but I accepted and then you backed out and argued that you meant my two best 2nds when you said 2 2015 2nds... Everyone knows you don't offer someone a deal specifying each pick in the trade besides 2 2015 2nds and then expect that I'm just gonna give you the two best 2nds I have...
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Mar 11, 2014 5:44:58 GMT
Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2014 5:44:58 GMT
And giants... Its a good thing we've never been able to come to an agreement on a trade anyways. Feel free to embargo me.
Mar 11, 2014 5:57:52 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 5:57:52 GMT
Yes raiders , that was in Godfrey thread. You then you ended it. And we tried again. Several days later. Also when we talked about KC 2015 1st, that was when we were still talking about including Crabtree. Of course if I took that offer, I would of been gearing up for a run. After you shut down the trade we talked again the second time and I felt that going this route was the best direction for my team. Your first offer in our second thread, had KC first involved without me even mentioning it. Listen I'm not going back and forth on this matter. I come on here to talk some football and make trades and that's what I will be getting back to. I will not waste another second talking about this matter to you. I appreciate others chiming in. What you did was not right. Bottom line. Have a good night
Mar 11, 2014 6:06:31 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 6:06:31 GMT
Can we please just move on .
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Mar 11, 2014 15:33:07 GMT
Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2014 15:33:07 GMT
I like how you avoid my comment about you backing out of a deal and now you are ready to move on... after you called me out for not addressing your comments. I was done talking about this multiple times, but you pulled me back in and now you're trying to get out without addressing what you did... Here was your post... 1.15 KC 1st 2015 CIN 1st 2015 Two seconds 2015 3rd 2015 That's the deal . I responded with "F-IT LETS DO IT!" then "I'll post in a minute" then you came back with "wait" and proceeded to ask "If I add my 2015 2nd would you add your first ?" Later you tried to argue that you thought the 2nds would be my best 2015 2nds, and that's why you backed out on the deal YOU proposed... but looking through the messages now, I know that is not the truth. It's pretty clear when you specified every pick you wanted besides the 2 2015 2nds, that you knew what picks we were discussing. We had been talking for days at this point and you were fully aware what picks I owned. You even said "Let me look and see where those seconds will be", so you obviously knew exactly which 2nds we were discussing. Literally one post before you proposed "The deal" I had proposed a trade including HOU 2nd and OAK 2nd: 1.15 OAK 2015 1st CIN 2015 1st HOU 2015 2nd OAK 2015 2nd ^ you countered this with "The deal" and obviously wrapped the 2 2015 2nds into one line to avoid typing them both out. It was obvious which you were talking about. Then you had the nerve to propose this trade after you backed out: 1.15 KC 1st 2015 Atl 1st 2015 Jets 2nd 2015 KC 2nd 2015 Wash 3rd You not only switched out the 2 2nds, with my best 2 2nds, but you also swapped out Cincy's 1st with ATL's 1st (Likely top 10). It's quite frustrating when someone proposes a trade and you accept the trade, only for the person to say well actually I want even more. Especially when we had been discussing for about 15 pages and multiple days and we FINALLY came to an agreement. You proposed a deal and I was willing to accept it, but you changed your mind after I accepted. I wasn't even going to bring this up as I'm not one to use excuses to justify the things I do... I know what I did was wrong and this doesn't justify it, but I do think you are guilty of making a similar move. Again, I know this doesn't make what I did right, and my situation was slightly different, but what you did during our negotiations was not right either. If you want to be done with this discussion now feel free. I'll move on from it as well. No reason to continue to bicker over it, but I felt I needed to get this piece out as well after I mentioned it above and you failed to address it.
Mar 11, 2014 15:40:22 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 15:40:22 GMT
Why I am responding to this is beyond me, but what ever. First of all we were exchanging offers going back and forth. Just because you were ready to expect a deal does not mean I was ready to accept a trade. Once again I do what I want for my team, you do not decide when I accept a trade or not. If I want to ask for more, I have ever right to do that. I don't care if you don't like that. I could ask for what ever I want. Period. And just remember how angry could you have been that I asked for more, when after a few days passed you were willing to get a deal done, and ACCEPT a deal.
Mar 11, 2014 15:41:24 GMT
Post by Chiefs GM (Anthony) on Mar 11, 2014 15:41:24 GMT
What you did was cheap shady and disgusting, one thing was it that it affected me, but what I feel even more bad about is that it affected another organization. You changed the direction of my team and affected bears organization as well. THUMBS UP